Random Pictures

May this Eid bring Rahmah and Barakah, fun and happiness, to all of you, for the rest of days too.

Iqbal Soofi,
PO. Box: 24179, State of Kuwait
blog: iqbalsoofi.blogspot.com  | twitter: @IqbalSoofi  |  email: iqbalnri (at) yahoo (dot) com

The pictures do speak

Farmers tilling a paddy field near Banakal in the Southern state of Karnata
Ka'bah - an evening with less number of pilgrims 
Sunshade for the pilgrims at Masjid al-Nubavi, Madianah al-Munawwarah 
Bangalore aquarium - another shot
Government aquarium, Bangalore

Banakal Church - the graphite stone building
Abaya clad ladies atop Charmadi hills - near Malaya Maruta
Elephants at Bannerughatta, Bangalore